

SSSSOOOOOOO...after four months of morning sickness and getting over the surprise of a third pregnancy (aaaahhhhhh!) it feels like time to get the house in order...like seriously! We've been here nearly two years and there is still so much to do!

Knowing how hard it is to juggle life with a newborn and how crazy the house can get during those first few months I really want to get our house as beautiful and organised as possible before the baby comes.

The biggest priorities are the hallway and our bedroom. Having an uplifting entry and a comfortable bedroom to come home to feel like the most important things. But I'm also initiating project cozy (rugs, cushions, blankets) and project organised (shelves, baskets) and although I know that we don't have the time or money to get everything finished, I also know that doing what I can now to create a happy and comfy home will make that tiring and crazy post-partum period a little easier. 

I've made so many plans over the last few months, so instead of starting from scratch I wanted to go through all those old mood-boards and lists to help get me motivated to actually get started on some projects instead of spending more time planning (I could seriously spend my life planning!).

The plan for the whole house was to keep the decor light, textured and cozy 

And we planned for neutral and fresh colours for the walls

Our plans for the bedroom and hallway were very similar...we wanted both to be fresh, light and uncluttered

And I had made a list of what we would need to organise and make space for in the hallway

 ...we'll need space for a huge changing bag and a stroller now, but really that's all that's changed...no more planning! 

The first space we're starting on is the hall (we can't move forward with the bedroom until we have it skimmed with fresh plaster which can't happen for another few weeks) and my aim is to have it finished by my 20 week scan in two weeks time. We already have all the paint and flooring purchased and that will give us a couple of weeks to save up for a celebratory shopping trip for all the finishing touches. 

Pregnancy can be just as unpredictable as a new baby so I'm anticipating a few bumps along the road in the form of pajama days, family visits and doctors appointments - but knowing a life changing and delicious little bundle of chaos is on its way is the biggest motivator we've had since we moved into our now not-so-new house - and I really cant wait to get it a few steps closer to our dream home. 

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